Solutions We Offer

How It All Started

It`s all about energy
Our company is an end-to-end, customer oriented alternative energy company that is centered on the marketing, trading, transportation, and distribution of biofuel of all sorts in the US and around the world…
Firstly, we’re an environmentally friendly renewable energy company offering a broad portfolio of technologies, products, & solutions to our clients globally!
We combine the power of the systems and technologies designed by our team of scientists and engineers.
Organic Ethanol Fuel, Biodiesel, Biochar & Biocoal are at the Center of Our Activities!
Recent Projects
Area: West Virginia Budget: $100000 Considering just how the coal mining industry has dominated…
learn moreBiocoal
Area: Alabama Budget: $500000 Considering just how the coal mining industry has dominated this…
learn moreIndustrial
Area: East Virginia Budget: $300000 Considering just how the coal mining industry has dominated…
learn moreGreen Crude
Green Crude
Area: Nevada Budget: $100000 Considering just how the coal mining industry has dominated this…
learn moreCommercial
Area: West Florida Budget: $50000 Considering just how the coal mining industry has dominated…
learn moreClean Cooking
Clean Cooking
Area: Michigan Budget: $125000 Considering just how the coal mining industry has dominated this…
learn moreTestimonials

As a small factory owner, I often find myself in a need of a more efficient energy source, such as the ethanol fuel this company offers!
Sarah Lespberry

For us as a farming conglomerate, adding this biochar product in soil does dramatically increase the yield, which matters!
Andrew Johnson

I own a little workshop that converts diesel engines in cars into ethanol engines. This company has been our partner for years!
Gareth Stadder

For us as a farming conglomerate, adding this biochar product in soil does dramatically increase the yield, which matters!
Alex Buoyega

I own a little workshop that converts diesel engines in cars into ethanol engines. This company has been our partner for years!
Kenneth Richardson
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